Kids' Corner


Welcome to Kids’ Corner!

Kids’ Corner child care is specially designed to meet the needs of families for child care when their school aged child is not in class. This is a program which provides safe, secure enrichment programming for children Preschool through Fifth grade attending Climax-Scotts Public Schools.

Staff build each day’s activities with consideration of ages and the interests of the children, as well as the seasons of the year and the events in our community. Policies are mandated by state licensing regulations. 

If you are interested in Kids’ Corner Registration please contact us at the numbers listed below. Thank you!

Mrs. Teri Peters, Principal
Mrs. Tracey Piper, Director

Elementary office: (269) 497-2100
Kids’ Corner room: (269) 497-2107


Basic Information:

Hours of Operation:  

Kids Corner will be open for child care on regular school days from:

6:45 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.  Monday - Friday

3:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.  Monday - Thursday

Kids’ Corner will be open on regular scheduled Early Release days of school and ½ days off of school. Kids’ Corner will NOT be open on full days off of school and snow days or other school closures. Morning Kids’ Corner will be closed in the event of a 2 hour delay.

*(Kids’ Corner hours will be pre-determined by the paid schedules submitted the preceding week. For example: If, out of all the schedules, the latest time scheduled is 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Kids’ Corner staff will be scheduled to stay until only 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, etc….)

Kids’ Corner is NOT a DROP IN center. All children must pre-register to attend and families must fill out weekly schedules in advance.  The kids corner schedule form can be found on the right hand side of this page under the INFORMATION & FORMS heading.  It must be turned in by Thursday afternoon for the following week.

Fee Schedule:

Hourly Fee:  $4.00 per hour

25 hours of child care/week:    $75 (anything over, the $4.00/hour rate applies)*

45 hours of child care/week:   $130 (anything over the $4.00/hour rate applies)*

Registration Fee:   $10/child or $15/family

*(Hours of child care can be shared between children in the same family)